How many summers have we spent painting everything we found and discovering new ways to create new worlds?

The little ones in the house have a lot of time in summer to do a multitude of activities. Play, go to the pool, learn to ride a bike,…

From La Pajarita, we want to help you spend this summer with your family and helping your children enhance their creativity. Here we leave you some ideas!

Introduce them to creativity

Leaving them a blank canvas or sheet and the paints is, in most cases, the best idea to introduce the little ones to painting.

From the age of 3, it is highly recommended to use basic colors so that they know and choose the ones they like the most, mix them and can do all the “mischief” they have in their heads.


Using the Multipurpose Kit de La Pajarita, they will have the Satin Paint colors, which is suitable for use at all ages, and a brush to paint.

Little pig – piggy bank

Older people can start “saving” on vacation with this piggy bank made from recycled plastic bottles, bottle caps and small pieces of cardboard.

You will need bottles of Satin Paint y Adhesive paste for gluing cardboard and cardboard pieces.

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The process is very simple:

  • Paint the entire bottle with a base color and let it dry.
  • Create spots, eyes or a small tail for the pig using
  • Paint the caps and cardboard, let it dry and glue the bottle with glue to add ears and legs to the pig.
Craft_piggy bank

Totebag for the whole family

Tote-bags are perfect for going to the beach, on a picnic or carrying toys, and thanks to the Opaque Fabric Paint, we can customize ours and all go together.

You can apply geometric shapes, drawings, ... and everything you imagine without worrying about its attachment to the fabric, since our paint is specially formulated for complete adhesion.

You can use masking tape to outline the geometric shapes on the Tote-Bag


Enjoy as a family and boost the creativity of the little ones in the house!

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