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Stain Resistant


Sometimes and on certain types of wood, yellowish stains may appear after painting and varnishing, spoiling the work done. These stains are tannins, substances found in the wood and that penetrate the layers of paint until they emerge on the surface.

The Anti-Stain Wood Base is the ideal product to apply on wooden furniture and block the appearance of tannins.

In addition, thanks to its anti-stain properties, it blocks any type, preventing stains such as oil/grease, nicotine, marker, pen, etc. from emerging again on the surface.

Surfaces: Wood, especially tropical, hardwood and coniferous.

Tips for use

Before applying, we recommend using Aquaclean La Pajarita to ensure that all traces of dust, grease or other particles are removed. To ensure homogeneous coverage of all possible tannin stains, we recommend applying 2 layers of product. If stains have appeared after having painted the piece, you can apply the Anti-Stain Primer and then paint again; On this occasion the stains will no longer appear. Its use is especially advisable when you plan to paint with light colors.

Stain Resistant

  • Before painting
  • Blocks any type of stains
  • Repels tannins
  • Improves adhesion and prolongs the life of the paint
  • The white color means that less finishing paint consumption is needed


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product sheet

  • Airbrush
  • Brush
  • Brush
  • Roller
Indicated surfaces
  • Wood
Technical sheet
  • Colour: White
  • Capacity: 0,75 L
  • Density: 1,370 +/- 0.020 gr/cc
  • Unlimited: 14-16 m2/Lt
  • Repainted drying: 6 hours
  • Complete drying: 24 hours
  • Dry to the touch: 30 min
  • Application methods: Airbrush, Brush, Brush, Roller
  • Thinner: Water (+15-20% for airbrush)
  • Product type: Finishes


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