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Chroma color CC-31 Burnt Umber Earth (Tone)

Atoms/Play Copy
Atoms/Play Copy
Description Semi-fluid acrylic colors specially formulated for artists. The jars of Chroma Color They contain a high concentration of pure pigments that confer intense and luminous tones and tones of maximum cleanliness and chromatic quality, opaque or transparent depending on the nature of the pigment. Very covering and elastic, with great extensibility, they can be used on any artistic support, on which they become permanent and stable once dry. Its 40 colors are miscible with each other and with any acrylic medium or color. Uses 1. Creations on canvas 2. Murals 3. Decoration of decorative elements Application tips 1. On porous surfaces it is recommended to apply a first coat of “Porous Filler Varnish” La Pajarita. If it is on canvas, it must be prepared beforehand with Gesso Background La Pajarita 2. On iron supports, it is advisable to insulate it by applying a layer of “Wood and Metal Water-Based Primer”. La Pajarita. 3. To protect the object, we recommend giving a final coat of varnish, which can be Matte, Ultramatte, Satin or Glossy Finish Varnish.

Chroma color CC-31 Burnt Umber Earth (Tone)

  • Ideal for BBAA projects.
  • Formulated for artists
  • High concentration of pigments.
  • Covering and elastic.
  • Great extensibility


0,2 L

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product sheet

  • Brush
  • Brush
  • Gun or airbrush
  • Roller
Indicated surfaces
  • Cardboard
  • Plaster
  • Canvas
  • Wood
  • Paper
Technical sheet
  • Colour: Brown
  • Finished: Herb tea
  • Capacity: 0,2 L
  • Density: 0.001
  • Unlimited: 10-12 m²/L
  • Cleaning: Soap and water
  • Projects: Illustration and BBAA, Crafts and DIY
  • Dry to the touch: 30 min
  • Repainted drying: 3-4 hours
  • Complete drying: 3-4 hours
  • Application methods: Brush, Paintbrush, Gun or airbrush, Roller
  • Thinner: Water
  • Product type: painting
  • Painting services: CHROMA COLOR


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