Judea bitumen

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Judea bitumen
- To water or solvent
- Resistant to the passage of time
- Antique dyeing
product sheet
- Brush
- Brush
- Roller
- cotton cloth
- Cardboard
- Plaster
- Wood
- Colour: Brown
- Capacity: 0,05L, 0,25L, 1L, 5L
- Density: 0.894
- Unlimited: 8-10 m²/L
- Cleaning: Soap and water
- Projects: Decorate my house, Illustration and BBAA, Crafts and DIY
- Dry to the touch: 1 time
- Repainted drying: 2 hours
- Complete drying: 24 hours
- Application methods: Brush, Paintbrush, Roller, Cotton cloth
- Thinner: Water
- Product type: Finishes
- Varnishes and finishes: BITUMEN OF JUDEA
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Judea bitumen