In addition to Chalk Paint, with this Medium you can convert all types of water paints into fabric paint.

In this tutorial we are going to combine Medium Textil y Chalk Paint with spray fabric paint Fashion Textil Spray. and stencil flowers.

Tutorial made by Colored Sugars

Wash the fabric first if it is new to remove the size. Mix the Medium Textil in equal parts (1:1) with your color Chalk Paint preferred.We have chosen Mint and Rosa Capricho to decorate this totebag.

Place masking tape to delimit the area to be painted. In this design we have made two triangles to paint each one in a different color. Paint with the first color chosen, Mint in this case, one of the triangles.

Make the mixture again Chalk Paint y Medium Textil with the second color, in proportion (1:1) that is, the same amount of Medium as paint. Paint the second triangle, Capricho Pink in this case.

Once the two triangles painted with Medium and Chalk Paint,(30-60 min), we decorate the second area of ​​the totebag with Fashion Textil Spray. First of all, it is necessary to protect the area that we are not going to paint so that it does not get stained with the spray.

Place the chosen Stencil over the area to be decorated and secure it with masking tape so that it does not move. In this case we have chosen our Stencil Flowers. Do a pre-spray in a test area (the same paper that protects) to clean the diffuser and ensure that the spray is perfect. We have chosen the color Gold Sun.

With a few sprays of Fashion Textil Spray It is enough, since otherwise we will load with paint and the drawing could come off. Once sprayed, wait a few minutes for it to dry and proceed to remove it carefully.

Once the paint is dry, you can set it in the oven (150º 8'), or iron 5' without steam. Afterwards it can be washed in the washing machine as many times as we want at a maximum of 40º. With Medium Textil+Chalk Paint y Fashion Textil Spray Personalize all your clothing, accessories and home linens.